Coffee Leaf Tea – Amazingly high caffeine content & simple to prepare

Coffee Leaf Tea – Amazingly high caffeine content & simple to prepare

The coffee plant has almost endless possibilities to make us happy.

There is coffee, cascara, coffee-blossom-tea and yes, even the dried leaves can be poured over with hot water.
In my Indonesia and India article I had already briefly introduced the tea to you. Today I put the focus on it:

  • In Ethiopia, South Sudan and Indonesia this drink has been a tradition for centuries.
  • In Germany and generally in Europe the coffee-leaf tea is not yet known and therefore a rarity. That makes it expensive as well.
  • The tea can have an up to 3x higher caffeine content than a cup of coffee and is thus probably a real coffee alternative!
  • The tea has more antioxidants and mangiferin than black or green tea.
  • It is anti-inflammatory, protects our cells, lowers the risk of diabetes and reduces cholesterol in the blood.
  • Add to this the positive effects of caffeine.
  • The smell reminds of green tea – the taste of black tea or rooibos. This varies, of course, according to coffee type and variety.


Coffee Leaf Tea Preparation

  • 4-12 g of tea are brewed with 350-400 ml of 95 °C hot filtered water.
  • Leave it for 4-6 min until it is dark gold to red.
  • It is traditionally served in coconut shells.
  • If you want to do something crazy sweeten the tea with coffee-blossom honey 😉

Coffee Leaf Tea

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  1. Tea!!! I also love both but I couldn’t live without tea. I try to stay away from caffeine so that makes my options slightly more limited, and tea has so many more choices for decaf than coffee does (I also prefer iced coffee over hot). Teavana teas are my favorite. I love anything fruity, decaf green tea, and lemon black tea. There are very few teas that I dislike other than chai!

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