

Uruguayans are crazy about coffee”
  • Uruguay is one of the Latin American countries that does not produce coffee because the climate is too cold for that.
  • Nevertheless, the country has a long coffee tradition.
  • Café Brasilero was founded in Montevideo in 1877 and is the oldest in the city.
  • Until a few years ago coffee in the cafés was from low-quality beans and, due to the Spanish influence, Torrefacto coffee – beans that are roasted with sugar.
  • Meanwhile, one also notices the positive influence of the third coffee wave in Uruguay.
  • MVD Roasters are pioneers.

☕ Traditional Preparation

Even though Yerba Mate is usually drunk in Uruguay, the inhabitants are crazy about coffee. The reason might me that the majority of today’s population has Spanish or Italian roots. Coffee is usually drunk with a lot of sugar. For coffee, there are dulce de leche filled biscuits, strawberry tart (Tarta de Frutilla) or other pastries.


as in Italy an espresso with very little water (15-20 ml instead of the usual 25 ml)


Café with a dash of milk or milk foam

Café con crema

Extended espresso with whipped cream

Café Galeano

Extended espresso layered on Amaretto and Dulce de Leche and whipped cream

Café Escocés (Scottish coffee)

Extended espresso mixed with 1 Shot Whiskey (Famous Grouse) and 2 tbsp sugar, with whipped cream and grated chocolate.

Alternatively, the coffee can be layered or prepared with 50 g of vanilla ice cream instead of whipped cream.

Café Jamaicano

Malibu, coffee, whipped cream and grated chocolate


Espresso with 1 shot of cognac Juanicó

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