Coffee Report 2018

Coffee Report 2018

Women drink varied – men more, sweet or black.

This year, together with Brand Eins Wissen and, Tchibo has carried out surveys on coffee with a focus on coffee and individuality.

A few facts from the report

  • Brazil remains the world’s largest producer of green coffee, accounting for 32.4%, followed by Vietnam (17.9%), Colombia (8.8%) and Indonesia (6.8%).
  • The amount of UTZ-certified green coffee is rising steadily every year and has increased by 2467% since 2002.
  • Compared to 2011, 40% more Fair Trade coffee is produced.
  • Peru is No. 1 in Fair Trade certified coffee, followed by Colombia and Mexico.

To coffee drinkers in Germany:

  • With 162 l of pure coffee a year THE drink of the Germans, mineral water follows with 152 l.
  • 2.4% of Germans pay attention to fair or organic cultivation of their coffee.
  • Filter coffee from the filter coffee machine is the most popular way of drinking coffee.
  • For 40.9% of the coffee belongs to a candy, a piece of cake or pastry
  • The Germans drink 3.4 cups of coffee daily: 18-39-year-olds drink 2.7 cups; 40-74 year old 3.7 cups.
  • 27.1% of men drink their coffee black. Among women, only 19.9%.
  • North-South divide: In the north, one’s own or returnable cup is most often used (21.2%). In the south with 15.4% least.
  • Women are more sustainable: 22.2% use a returnable cup for their coffee-to-go – for men it is only 15.4%.
  • The paper cup is 70.7% for men and 60.3% for women, sadly still ranked # 1.
  • Fully automatic machines and capsule machines are still on the rise: 19.8% of coffee drinkers have a fully automatic machine, 22.6% a capsule machine.
  • 1/3 of the population knows what micro roasters are and 17.4% even what is a light or cinnamon roast.
  • 18.4% of Germans now know Cold Brew – it is the most popular among the millennials.

If you feel like having time for the complete 105-page report, here is the PDF. Do not worry, there are also some pictures and tables 😉

The results of the last years

  • 2017 with a focus on love
  • 2016 with a focus on innovation
  • 2015 with the focus on health.
  • 2014 focusing on sustainability.
  • 2013 focusing on different coffee cultures.
  • 2012 highlights the different aspects of coffee.

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