USA: American Coffee – 5 Recipes

USA: American Coffee – 5 Recipes

A very caffeinated nation


American Coffee Preparation

Black Eye/ Bull’s Eye/ Red Eye/ Dead Eye
  • 2 espressos in a black filter coffee.
Iced Coffee
  • Add in a glass with ice cubes hot, strong and sweetened coffee.
  • Add to taste milk and sugar.
  • Add 10 ice cubes with 240 ml milk, 3 tsp powdered sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 3 tsp chocolate sauce and 60 ml espresso in a blender to a creamy Frappuccino.
  • Then fill in a large glass and garnish with chocolate sauce, whipped cream and straw before serving.


Caffè Americano
  • Extended espresso, similar to regular filter coffee
Flavored Coffee

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