Although coffee dominated the landscape at the beginning of the 20th century, new diseases such as coffee rust and 1928 a cyclone destroyed the production.
After the war, the rural depopulation began and falling world market prices made coffee cultivation unprofitable. So plantations were gradually abandoned.
Residual coffee farms continued to provide extra income for some families who needed it because of weak local economic activity.
Today Bonifieur La Guadeloupe is experiencing a renaissance and is available thanks to a co-operative of coffee producers on Basse Terre.
The aim is to revive the coffee culture and organize it in Guadeloupe.
Guadeloupe Bonifieur is the only coffee except Jamaican Blue Mountain that is exported in barrels.
And if you want to spend your holidays in the middle of an old coffee plantation, you can do so on the heights of Pointe Noire in Café Beauséjour, which is now a comfortable lodge.