Tomorrow is already New Year’s Eve.
Time for my last review. Thursday we had Top 5 coffee countries, yesterday the Top 10 traditional preparations and today it’s about the top 5 coffee trends. The recipes are available by clicking on the headline.
#5 Charcoal Latte
Looks really crazy, helps with the detoxification after the holidays, but is not recommended as a daily dose 😉
Here the whole article on charcoal coffee.
#4 Bulletproof Coffee
It energizes and helps with weight loss. Certainly not everyone’s taste – but the celebrities swear on it.
#3 Cascara
Still banned in Europe, it has many lovers worldwide, because you can make a great tea and also iced tea from the dried coffee cherries, which even make you awake.
#2 Coffee Tonic
Because it’s just so super refreshing, and it does not stand out, when you add some gin to it 😉
Incidentally, this mini video of mine made it into the coffee movie this year.
#1 Coffee Icecubes and Coconut Water
I love coconut water and the combo with coffee ice cubes is just the blast. It’s best if you make the ice cubes from Colddrip or Coldbrew Coffee. Cheers.