Advent Calendar – Day 9

Advent Calendar – Day 9

Because it was so lovely …

In Bag 9 we stay in Costa Rica but change the finca.

bunaa-coffeebean The Coffee

Tarrazu Finca La Florentina, Espresso

  • The Finca La Florentina by Don Bernan Ureña consists of several small microlots that extend over the Los Santos region of Tarrazu.
  • Tarrazu offers ideal conditions for growing coffee with its nutrient-rich volcanic rocks and cool, humid climate.
  • The first Arabica plants were brought from Colombia to this region about 250 years ago.
  • Don Bernan has been running the finca for 45 years.
  • He cultivates mainly the variety Caturra Catuaí in 1,500 and 2,000 m altitude.
  • The beans are processed as ‘yellow honey‘.
  • The coffee tastes of toasted almonds, milk chocolate, toffee and tangerines.

… and comes as typical Austrian coffee specialty in the glass today.


  • In a glass, an espresso is crowned with a luscious whipped cream canopy.
  • For this icing sugar is served.
  • A spoon is not needed, because the hot coffee is drunk traditionally through the cold cream.
  • The double Einspänner is prepared with a double espresso.

Tomorrow, for the 2nd Advent we change the country and get a highlight in the cup, I promise.

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