Zambian Coffee

Zambian Coffee

Africa’s best kept secret!

  • Known for the plateaus (1,000 – 1,400 m) and for its waterfalls like the Victoria Falls.
  • Missionaries brought coffee from Kenya and Tanzania to Zambia in the 1950s.
  • in Muchinga, in Kasama, Nakonde, Isoka and around the region Lusaka.
  • Among the mild tropical conditions grows of course high quality Arabica, about 50% of Bourbon / Catimor,
  • In 2020, 6,536 tons of Zambia coffee were grown. The majority of Zambian coffee is exported.


zambian coffee

Zambian Coffee – Brands and Cafés

One of the best Ziambian coffee brands are Munali Coffee and Marika’s Coffee

And here you find the best cafés in Lusaka.

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  1. Christopher A Legg

    This contains many inaccuracies. Coffee was not brough by missionaries but by settler “gentlemen farmers” in the Mbala area before 1950. There are no Muchinga mountains, only the Muchinga Escarpment, the western side of the Luangwa valley. Lusaka is nowhere near there, but very good cofee is grown south of lusaka (munali)

    1. Bunaa

      Hey Christopher,
      Thanks for your feedback! Looks like I have to do some more research for my Zambia coffee article. Are you living in Zambia or how do you know about it?

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