Coffee in Kenya – Finest Coffee and great recipes like Kahawa Chungu

Coffee in Kenya – Finest Coffee and great recipes like Kahawa Chungu

Kenya is the world’s #16 of coffee exporter worldwide.
  • The first trees came from Ethiopia in the 19th century.
  • At the beginning of the 20th century, French missionaries introduced the valuable Bourbon plants.
  • Main areas of cultivation: Mt. Kenya, Aberdare Zone, Kasii, Nyanza, Bungoma, Nakuru, Kericho


  • Kenyan coffee grows predominantly at a height of 1,500 to 2,100 m.
  • It is hand-picked and sun-dried.
  • The coffee is aromatic, acid and body are very balanced and full-bodied and it tastes pleasantly fruity-spicy.
  • Quality: PB (Peaberry) are the best, followed by AA Plus, AA, AB, E, C, TT, T and Buni.
  • The very high quality of the Kenyan coffee lies in the regulation and control by the government.

Traditional Preparation

Kahawa Chungu
  • Kahawa Chungu is Swahili and means bitter coffee
  • It is often drunk by older men and shall have an aphrodisiac effect.
  • To prepare Kahawa Chungu: bring to boil 3 tsp freshly ground coffee with 1 cup of cold water, 3 cardamom capsules and a cinnamon stick on a charcoal stove in a brass pot. One can also add cloves and nutmeg.
  • Simmer at low heat for 10-15 min.
  • You can add the ground coffee also at the end and simmer for the last 3-4 min
  • Fill the Kahawa Chungu through a sieve in a small ceramic cup and serve hot with haluwa, dates or pastries like mahamri or kaimati.


Kahawa Tamu
  • Swahili for sweet coffee
  • You just add sugar to a Kahawa Chungu 😉
With lime and honey
  • brew strong coffee with a hand filter.
  • Add 2 slices of lime and a spoonful of honey.


kahawa chungu coffee mugs
arabic coffee mugs
arabic coffee mugs with tray

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