Irish Coffee Recipe – the Original

Irish Coffee Recipe – the Original

Hip hip hooray to Irish ingenuity! January 25 is “Irish Coffee Day”

time to pay tribute to the luxuriously creamy, cockle-warming beverage and try the original Irish coffee recipe.

Who invented the Irish coffee recipe?
  • Joseph Sheridan
  • He operated a restaurant at Foynes airport, now Shannon in the south-west of Ireland
  • And tried to warm the body and spirit of the arriving passengers.
  • He created the hot coffee drink with whipped cream.
  • When asked, “Is this Brazilian coffee?” Sheridan replied, “No, it’s Irish coffee.
  • The iconic hot whiskey drink, Irish coffee recipe, was invented in 1942.
  • Although the drink was created in Ireland, it became big in San Francisco.
  • The travel writer Stanton Delaplane reported about the Irish Coffee to the owner of Buena Vista Cafe in San Francisco, Jack Coeppler in 1952.
  • Since then, 2,000 Irish Coffees are served daily.


The Original Irish Coffee Recipe

Cream as rich as an Irish brogue; coffee as strong as a friendly hand; sugar sweet as the tongue of a rogue; and whiskey smooth as the wit of the land.

Joseph Sheridan

  • Preheat the glass with very hot water.
  • Add 2 tsp. of brown sugar to the dry glass.
  • Then add freshly brewed strong coffee and stir.
  • Once the sugar has melted, add 4-6 tsp of Irish Whiskey and stir.
  • Pour the freshly whipped cream onto the coffee over the back of a hot teaspoon.
  • The cream should not be too stiff and not too liquid
  • When drinking, never stir the coffee, but drink through the cream!

image licence: Marler CC BY-SA 3.0

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