Green Week 2017

Green Week 2017

Food & Drinks from 66 countries ❤ I am in love!

This year the International Green Week in Berlin, with the partner country Hungary, is under the motto: Tradition meets innovation.
It is a fact that sustainability has taken up more exhibition space for several years now.
Yesterday I was there and checked out for you all around the coffee.

My Recommendations
  • Hall 6.2 – Lebanese mocha with cardamom traditionally served from a Syrian mocha pot for 1 €
  • Hall 7.2C – Galería El Dorado coffe from Colombia with Panela
Here my coffee guide across all the halls
Besides coffee, I can also recommend the following highlights.
  • Organic hall 1.2B – its all about organic products
  • Flower hall 2.2 – because it’s simply beautiful! Pictures can be found on my Instagram page
  • Sustainability Center 5.2A – Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Finally, a few key facts
  • WHEN? until January 29
  • TIME? daily 10:00 – 18:00, January 27: 10:00 – 20:00
  • TICKETs from 5 €, Standard day ticket 14 €
    > Tip: It’s best to buy online via mobile phone, so you don’t have to queue
  • WHERE? Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin
  • Take enough cash with you! Then you can not only eat on the spot, but also take many treats home with you.
If this is all too stuffy, you find the documentation in pictures on my Instagram page

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