Here even ants plant coffee.
- Fiji includes more than 333 islands and is located in the South Pacific North of New Zealand.
- Just like in Hawaii, the volcanic sand has a lot of minerals and is therefore ideal for coffee growing.
- Coffee grows wild on the islands.
- Sustainability and organic quality are therefore self-evident.
- Bula Coffee works with Fiji residents from 25 villages.
- They harvest the wild-growing coffee and then process it.
- Luke Fryett, coffee expert from New Zealand and Bula coffee manager brought roasting machines to Fiji.
- Greg Lawlor and Neil Underhill recognized the potential of coffee consumption in tourism and founded Fiji Coffee in 1988.
- From Papua New Guinea, they import AAA Arabica raw coffee, roast it and pack it, exclusively for the domestic market
- They cover 85% of Fiji’s needs.
By the way, there are ants on the Fiji Islands that grow coffee themselves. Therefore they bring the seeds to trees and then plant them in the bark. In the hollow tubers that grow from them, the ants live together with the queen and larvae. The coffee is furtilized with excrements and urine. And the ants pick the nectar of the coffee-plants. Small coffee junkies 😉