Advent Calendar – Day 16

Advent Calendar – Day 16

Today floral and fruity

Correct, we are back in Africa – to be precise in Kenya, one of the most important coffee-growing countries in Africa.

bunaa-coffeebean The Coffee

Gicherori AA Plus

  • In the central province of Embu, on the southern slopes of the Mount Kenya massif, 1,100 smallholders supply their ripe coffee cherries to the Washing Station Gicherori for fully washed processing.
  • The prevailing microclimate, the volcanic mineral-rich loamy soil as well as sufficient rain and shade vegetation are ideal for coffee growing.
  • At an altitude of about 1,600 m, the coffee develops its unmistakable floral fruity aroma.
  • The roasting highlights fruity vanilla notes and aromas of honey and raspberries.

and that’s how you drink your coffee in Kenya traditionally:

Kahawa Chungu

  • For the preparation: bring to boil 3 tsp freshly ground coffee with 1 cup of cold water, 3 cardamom capsules and a cinnamon stick on a charcoal stove in a brass pot. One can also add cloves and nutmeg.
  • Simmer at low heat for 10-15 min.
  • Fill through a sieve in a small ceramic cup and serve hot with haluwa, dates or pastries like mahamri or kaimati.

Be curious about what awaits you tomorrow for the 3rd Advent in coffee bag 17.

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