Charcoal Coffee – Coffee Trend of 2017

Charcoal Coffee – Coffee Trend of 2017

Activated charcoal is THE thing at the moment.

As a mask for pore-free skin, in toothpaste for whiter teeth and against mouth odor, in smoothies and icecream for detoxification, against digestive problems and jetlag and now also in coffee.

And as always with trends, there is a long tradition behind it. So here as well.

Activated charcoal has been used in the Orient for 2500 years. The first time, it was quoted by an Egyptian medical writer as a cure for digestive problems. But even in order to escape poisoning, one has already used it on the King’s court.

In Indonesia coffee with Charcoal is not new – Kopi Joss is coffee served with a piece of red hot charcoal dunked in, which is known for its health benefits.

On Instagram you can find activated charcoal coffee, among others as #gothlatte , #charcoallatte or #charcoalcoffee


Charcoal Coffee – Preparation

  • 1 cup of oat, coconut or almond milk
  • 1 tsp activated charcoal (or the contents of 2 capsules)
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • 1 espresso

Mix milk, activated charcoal and syrup, foam and place in a glass. Make espresso and pour in, like with a latte macchiato. If you want to have a chocolate note, add 1 tsp of cocoa to the milk mixture.

Please comment how you like the Charcoal Coffee recipe!

image rights: lady_lovecraft

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