Rwanda Coffee – Cup of Excellence Pioneer

Rwanda Coffee – Cup of Excellence Pioneer

The land of a thousand hills offers Arabica quality coffee.
  • In 1903 German missionaries were supposed to have brought Bourbon Mayaguez (Red Bourbon) to Rwanda.
  • The highest elevation is the 4,507 m high Karisimbi, which belongs to the Virunga volcanoes.
  • Mountain gorillas still live in the wild.
  • The best cultivation areas for Rwandan specialty coffee are to be found in the west province, at 1,500 m to 2,200 m altitude.
  • The nutrient-rich grounds and the semi-humid tropical climate are ideal for good Arabica quality coffee and is even better than before the civil war.
  • This is due to the USAID (United States Agency for International Development) activities initiated in 2001.
  • They built washing facilities, which allowed a wet processing of Rwanda coffee-
  • Since 2000, PEARL has also been training young Rwandan students in agricultural sciences, cupping and quality management.


  • The aroma of Rwanda coffee is often described as grassy, ​​just like the hilly landscape of Rwanda.
  • The Rwanda coffee is soft and mild in taste, but with a strong body.
  • Thus, Rwanda was the 1st African country to bring the famous “Cup of Excellence” into the country.
  • 99 % of the crop is directly exported, which corresponds to 0.2 % of the world market.


Rwanda Coffee - beans and cup

Rwanda Coffee: Traditional Preparation

  • On an Open fire between stones raw coffee beans are roasted in a clay pot. to get an even roast result, the beans are gently moved all the time with the help of a wooden split.
  • When the beans are dark brown, the beans are cooled by throwing them into the air in a big flat bowl of natural leaves and then catching them again.
  • Afterwards the beans are ground in a large wooden mortar for about 3 min.
  • Then the coffee is prepared in a French Press.

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