Coffee or Palavertermine have a long tradition.
- In 1878, the English began large-scale cultivation of coffee in Central Africa.
- Today, the country is #40 of the coffee producing countries with less than 0.1 % of the world harvest.
- Robusta is grown between 500 and 1,000 m high.
- The coffee is completely exported. The main customers are Belgium, France and Spain.
☕ Traditional preparation
With an invitation to breakfast you only get a cup of coffee. For dinner, however, there is coffee and a extensive evening meal.
- The preparation of coffee is reserved exclusively for women.
- First, they wash the green coffee.
- After drying, it is roasted in a coal-fired metal oven using a flat metal pan.
- The still hot beans are then ground with a mortar.
- Immediately afterwards the ground coffee is boiled several times with hot water.