Senegalese Coffee – Quick Recipe for Café Touba

Senegalese Coffee – Quick Recipe for Café Touba

Coffee is cultivated in Senegal and has a long tradition. So there is a famous traditional preparation, Café Touba.
  • Arabic Ṭūbā, which means “happiness”.
  • The coffee was named after the Senegalese Holy City of Touba.
  • The old coffee recipe was perfected in the late 19th century by Sheikh Amadou Bamba, who was said to have brought the coffee into the country.
  • At that time,coffee was drunk as a daily medicine to support the recite of prayers.
  • The consumption of Café Touba* has so much grown in recent years that the sales of instant coffee such as Nescafé* decreased in West Africa. So Nestlé launched the Nescafé Ginger & Spice product. One can only hope that it is more expensive than self-brewed!


Traditional Coffee Preparation in Senegal

Café Touba
  • Roast 100 g green Robusta coffee beans together with 10 g jar (Guinea pepper) and optionally 10 g clove in a metal pan until they have a nice, evenly dark color.
  • After cooling, grind in a mortar or a coffee grinder.
  • Bring 800 ml of water to the boil.
  • Place 4 tbsp of the coffee powder into a fabric filter over a pot.
  • Pour the boiling water carefully through the filter into the jug and let it drain completely.
  • Repeat the whole thing 2-3 times and add plenty of sugar (1/4).
  • Serve very hot.

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Image rights: By EquipeTKN – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

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