After Panama we stay Caribbean and exclusive this weekend.
In addition to the King of Reggae, the island also brings forth the king of coffee: the Jamaica Blue Mountain! But first how it started:
- In 1728 the Arabica plant came from the island of Martinique to Jamaica by Governor Nicholas Lawese.
- Thanks to the cool climate and all the rain, the coffee grows particularly slowly and gently.
- Particularly in the blue mountain chain, the gourmet coffee of the same name has grown on small plantations since then, one of the most popular and expensive in the world.
- The cultivation height is between 500 and 1,600 m.
- The Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans are hand-picked, sun-dried, balanced and strong.
- The Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is supplied exclusively in black-colored barrels – not like other coffees in bags.
- Attention: The cultivation area is small and so it is difficult to buy an “original Jamaica Blue Mountain”, especially since the Japanese alone buy 85% of the harvest.
- The CIB – “Coffee Industry Board” is a state-owned institution that guarantees the authenticity of the exported coffee to the present day with strict quality control.
- The aroma is full-bodied with a slightly sweet, very fruity and mild taste. The acid is very delicate but at the same time pronounced.
Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Preparation
- Heat a little calcareous water to 90-95 ° C.
- One needs more of the Jamaican coffee beans per cup.
- 7-8 g Blue Mountain medium grinded per cup (160-200 ml).
- For example, pour the coffee in a French press and leave it for approx. 4 min.
Tía María
- Jamaican blue mountain coffee is the basis for this cocktail.
- It is prepared with Jamaican rum, vanilla and sugar.
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