Coffee Peeling Recipe – DIY at home with only 3 ingredients

Coffee Peeling Recipe – DIY at home with only 3 ingredients

We already know that coffee and caffeine are miracles!

And because summer is kindly knocking on the door, we should let him in. This can only be done with beautiful skin!
You have coffee at home anyway. Beside good smell, delicious taste and awaking what else can coffee do?

  • Promote the blood circultation,
  • it helps you with the bikini figure by the reduction of body fat,
  • make your skin even tighter than it already is,
  • has a decongestant effect,
  • and the peeling effect can alleviate skin redness, acne, pigment spots and stretch marks.


Coffee Peeling Recipe

For the coffee peeling recipe, the miraculous coffee is combined with the all-rounder coconut oil and honey. They have a moisturizing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • 1 cup of organic coconut oil
  • 1.5 cup coffee grounds
  • 1.5 heaped tbsp honey
  • Optional 1/2 tsp cinnamon and a tbsp cacao butter

Melt coconut oil and honey at low heat and mix with the coffee grounds (and cinnamon) in a bowl. Fill the peeling in a jar and store in a refrigerator.

Coffee peeling application

Before use, remove the peeling from the glass by spoon and allow to warm to room temperature.
Apply with circular movements and then rinse with lukewarm water. Because this is a very crumbly affair, preferably in the bathtub.
Your skin is then beautifully tender and ready for the summer!
And that is my easy coffee peeling recipe. I hope you like it. Please comment!

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