Coffee Blossom Tea

Coffee Blossom Tea

Cascara you may have heard before, but coffee blossom tea?
  • The coffee blossom tea is harvested by hand before the pollination of the coffee trees.
  • Each flower has to be harvested individually.
  • The flowers are dried and then gently roasted in a drum roaster.
  • For the production of 1 kg of coffee blossom tea, the flowers of more than 500 coffee trees are necessary.
  • That explains the damn high price of more than 30 € / 100 g.
  • The aroma is intense and floral and can be compared with a mixture of green and black tea.
  • However it has a very distinct character with slightly sweetish notes and delicate honey.
  • A delicious caffeine-containing rarity.

🍵 Preparation

  • 5 g of tea yield about 0.5 l of tea.
  • pour the tea over with 90 ° C filtered water and wait for 2-3 min.
  • If you want to do something crazy sweeten it with coffee blossom honey 😉
  • For a persistent flavour, store the tea cool and dry.

🌸 Coffee Blossom Tea

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