Coffee in China – Yuan Yang and more

Coffee in China – Yuan Yang and more

With a market share of 5 % China is #12 of the world’s coffee producers.


Traditional Preparation like Yuan Yang

The Chinese do not like it bitterly.
That is why milk and sugar or syrup à la Starbucks are in high demand.
However this preparation is typical in Hong Kong

Yuan Yang / Ying Yong
  • add 2-3 tsp condensed milk into a glass
  • add 1 part coffee
  • and 1 part black tea
  • Mix all together in a glass and add icecubes – ready is the Yuan Yang


chinese coffee cup
chinese Coffee mug
Chinese coffee mug - yuan yang

冰咖啡 (Bīng kāfēi)
  • Add 150-160 g of ice cubes in a coffee pot and place the HarioV60 on it.
  • Brew 30 g of coffee with 340-350 ml of 96 °C hot water.
  • The coffee drips directly on the ice and is chilled.
  • Then pour the coffee in a glass filled with ice cubes and enjoy.


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