Capsule Coffee

Capsule Coffee

So practical! … What else?

This certainly applies to many of the products that we consume today. But if practical is the only positive argument left it is time to rethink. Here a couple of facts:

The ARD has summarized the times in a mini video.


My favorite goes away from the vending machine to the traditional handcraft as they have been practiced for centuries in various countries around the world. However I do not like to deprive you of other alternatives.


In fact, you can collect the capsules and return them to a Nespresso store for recycling. Unfortunately, however, most of the aluminum capsules end up in residual waste, which is burned. And even if a capsule is recycled, this does not offset the main problem of big resource consumption in making the capsules.

Refillable capsules

With this fiddle work the coffee is then almost Slow Coffee 😉

Compostable eco-capsules

Instead of aluminum made of bio plastic or paper and thus completely compostable.

Coffee pods

They are also designed for one single cup of coffee, but are usually biodegradable.

Super-Automatic Espresso Machine

Here, however, the purchase price and the intensive cleaning are to be considered.

Espresso Machine

Rather for professionals. Again, the purchase is very expensive. The care and handling are time consuming. This is rewarded in terms of taste.

French Press, Filter, Cezve & Co.

It could not be better! These manual coffee devices are the cheapest in the purchase. They are easy and quick to handle and to clean. You can reuse them permanently. There is also no health risk when enjoying coffee, as you get the coffee maker completely plastic and aluminum free. You do not block half the worktop in the kitchen with a machine that, when it is broken, is expensive and time-consuming to repair or replace. And last but not least, everyone finds the prefect device fitting her/his taste.


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