

With less than 0.1 % of world market share #50 of the coffee producers one of the backmarker.
No matter! It is the home of
Coffea Liberica!
  • In 1843 Coffea Liberica was discovered in Liberia.
  • Besides Liberica, Excelsa and Robusta coffees are cultivated commercially on the Atlantic coasts.
  • In the past Liberia produced up to 5 % of the world’s coffee supply.
  • But the worldwide demand for the mainly cultivated Liberica fell back in favor of Robusta and Arabica.
  • The civil war of 1991-2003 also reduced the harvest volume by 86 % and former coffee farms ran wild.
  • So only Robusta coffee was exported from the north and the center of Liberia.
  • A good thing is, because the fertile soils there was and is no need for chemical fertilizer and it grows organic coffee with good productivity.
  • However, there is a lack of investment in the rehabilitation of coffee farms, infrastructure and processing technologies.
  • The export volume has declined by 99% since 1990, so today it is cultivated almost exclusively for local consumption.
  • Unfortunately, Liberia mainly consumes instant coffee, which is more likely due to poor income than good taste.
image rights: by Meria z Geoian – own work, CC-BY-SA 4.0

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