Coffee in El Salvador

Coffee in El Salvador

Although it is the smallest country in Central America, El Salvador is one of the most productive coffee exporters in the world.


coffee in El Salvador

  • The firm roots of coffee tradition mean that every plantation owner sees it as a duty to uphold this art through high production quality.
  • By the way, El Salvador is one of only two countries in the world that have forbidden the application of certain agrochemicals nationwide and without exception.
  • The beans give a wonderfully mild-aromatic coffee, which has a light body with a fine acidity.
  • For this, he has a fresh intense aftertaste as well as a delicate touch of chocolate.
  • Unfortunately, coffee in El Salvador is also affected by the climate change and Roya (leaf rust) – here is a good report >>

Coffee in El Salvador – Traditional Preparation

Café de maíz
  • Boil 500 g of corn for about 30 min., then wash and drain.
  • When the corn is dry, bake on a griddle.
  • Roast the 250 g coffee beans as well until they are black.
  • Then stir the coffee and corn and leave on the griddle for about 5 min.
  • Ground all together with some cinnamon, depending on taste.
  • Take 2 tbsp per cup water and boil. Sweeten it to your taste.
  • Coffee in El Salvador is served hot with sweet bread.
Café de Olla

Like many Latin American countries, there is also a Café de Olla variant in El Salvador.

  • Heat 2 cups of water in a saucepan.
  • Dissolve 30 g Panela (unrefined whole cane sugar) in hot water.
  • Just before the water boils, add 2 tablespoons of finely ground coffee.
  • Stir and let the coffee brew for 30 seconds.
  • Then remove from the stove, cover the pot and let the coffee steep for 3 minutes.
  • The coffee grounds have settled on the bottom of the pot, so that the coffee from the pot can be poured into cups with a ladle and served.

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