Day of Coffee in Peru

Day of Coffee in Peru

One of the world’s largest coffee producers celebrates today the Día del Café Peruano, on 25 August 2017.
  • Peruvian coffee is known worldwide for its high quality.
  • More than 2 million Peruvians live on direct and indirect employment.
  • In order to increse domestic consumption, the Ministry of Agriculture declared 2017 the Día del Café Peruano every fourth Friday in August.
  • It is celebrated all over the country.
  • In the focus is the competitive development of coffee and the growth of coffee culture.
  • The celebration is therefore a tribute to the coffee producers, industrialists, exporters, traders and consumers.
  • Yesterday, the ExpoCafé Villa Rica started in Lima and continues until Sunday. Here visitors can taste more than 20 coffee specialties and Barista can participate in workshops.
  • There are also cafés, that offer free coffee or have special promotions.
  • More about the history of coffee in Peru and traditional coffee making, here >>

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