Coffee Gifts – best 5 presents

Coffee Gifts – best 5 presents

Have you spent a good time with your loved ones and are you satisfied with your gifts or are you in the exchange stress?

I am more than happy with my gifts and would like to share this. Maybe useful to use your money gifts 😉

Kaffee Form: Espresso Cups
  • From recycled coffee ground !!! you can even smell it.
  • Production in Berlin in cooperation with a handicapped workshop.
  • dishwasher safe
Bamboo Cup
  • Coffee-to-go cup
  • Mainly made of bamboo and corn.
  • dishwasher safe


Book: Faszination Kaffee 
  • All about history, cultivation, harvesting, processing,
  • transport, storage, roasting and preparation
  • up to sustainability.
Sheet metal: Coffee is always a good idea
  • Fits perfectly into my kitchen.
Coffee: Ruanda Café Maraba
  • Free coffee beans for 1 cup.
  • 100% Fairtrade Arabica

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