Coffee Book Recommendations – My Top 6 Books To Read

Coffee Book Recommendations – My Top 6 Books To Read

Are you still looking for a book about coffee? Perfect timing! Because it is time for The Leipzig Book Fair. Here my coffee book recommendations.

The World Atlas of Coffee*
  • “From beans to brewing – boffees explored, explained and enjoyed”
  • A classic and a must for anybody who loves coffee.
  • incl. 29 cultivation country portraits
  • 256 pages in jute optics cover for € 17.99.
The Ultimate Coffee Book*
  • for beginners and professionals
  • Focus is clearly on coffee knowledge, coffee practices from roasting to latte art and barista training and international coffee enjoyment.
  • Therefore, it is also recommended for international barista training.
  • 200 pages are available for € 26.90.


Das Kaffee Buch (German)*
  • My personal favorite, good price performance ratio and a must for coffee lovers
  • Coffee knowledge, 34 cultivation portraits, barista knowledge, recipes & equipment
  • 224 pages, awarded with the World Cookbook Award, for € 16.95.
  • also available in Spanish, Dutch, French and Portuguese
Alles über Kaffee (German)*
  • History, cultivation, processing, preparation, recipes and 50 coffee brands and European specialties coffee roasters In the portrait.
  • Cool mini-book (12x15cm) that fits in almost every handbag.
  • Good summary on 207 pages in text & image for € 4.99.
Faszination Kaffee (German)*
  • Everything about history, cultivation, harvesting, processing, transport, storage and preparation up to the topic of sustainability.
  • Detailed on 300 pages from the German Coffee Association for € 29.95.

If this is not enough, just go to the book fair in Leipzig. Doors open for you until tomorrow 6 pm.


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