Coffee Cake Day

Coffee Cake Day

The weekend is just around the corner and what can be better than leaving the house for a good coffee and a piece of cake?
Since today is “coffee-cake-day” – the perfect occasion for a couple of weekend tips in Berlin.
All others are allowed to enter Instagram or come to Berlin!

National Coffee Cake Day

  • On April 7, the National Coffee Cake Day is celebrated in the USA
  • Coffee cakes are usually small, rectangular yeast cake pieces, with cinnamon, sprinkles or fruits such as cherries, blueberries or apple pieces.
  • When and why its celebrated is hard to find, but it is celebrated – and this is good.
  • Therefore here a few cafe recommendation across Berlin.
  • And even if you’re not the yeast cake fan, you’ll probably find something here.

Where to go in Berlin

Frau Behrens Torten
Five Elephant
  • Who likes New York Cheese Cake, will love THIS ONE! The great coffee quality is self-evident!
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Fräulein Wild
  • Dresdener Str. 13, 10999 Berlin
  • Elderflower blossom cheese cake, Macarons & Co. to vegan 
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  • Großbeerenstraße 28d, 10965 Berlin
  • Chocolate-pecanus cake with mocha cream or creations with green tea and oranges?
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  • Simon-Dach-Straße 1, 10245 Berlin
  • Strawberry parfait cake, a game of chess and then a fresh bread from the bakery.
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  • Pannierstraße 64, 12043 Berlin
  • #fancycakecreations #California
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Sowohl Als Auch
  • Kollwitzstraße 88, 10435 Berlin
  • The name says it! Start there for breakfast and remain up to coffee & cakes!
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Der Kuchenladen
  • Something for everyone! And how sexy sounds: milk rice raspberry tart!
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If you have any further recommendations, please feel free to comment!

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